Am preluat leapsa asta de la Ella , si cine doreste poate s-o preia mai departe!
Available: No
Age: 18 years and 10 mounths :))
Animal: Dog, cat. I love them all.
Anime: Kinda no
Birthday: 12 November 2011
Birthplace: Ploiesti
Best feeling in the world: Ambition
Best wether: Autumn
Been in love: Yes
Been on stage: Never ever
Belive in yourself: Yes
Belive in miacles: Yes
Belive in magic: Yes
Belive in God: Yes
Belive in Satan: Yes
Belive in Santa: Hell no, but I want presents :))
Belive in ghost/spirits: Maybe
Belive in evolution: Yes
Car: Citroen
Candy: Many
Color: Blue, black, white, red
Cried in school: No
Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolateee
Countries to visit: Anglia, USA, Germany, Italy, Greece :D I just like to travel
Day or night: Night
Dream vehicle: Volkswagen golf 3
Danced: Nope
Danced in the rain: Yes
Dance in the middle of the street: No
Eyes: Blue-green
Ever fail a class: No
First crush: ...
First through waiking up: What's the time?
Food: A lot :D
Fruit: Many many many
Gratest fear: Snakes
Gum: Five
Hair color: Black
Height: 1.70
Happy: Yes
Holidays: Christmas
How do you want to die: Quickly
Hate: stupid people, lying, immature, manele, and so and so
I love in guys:
Eye color: Black or Green
Hair color: Black
Height: over 1.75
Clothing style: Don't know. Whatever he want.
Instrument: I don't know what you mean :)
Job: No
Kids: 2. A boy and a girl in future.
Keep a journal: In my head
Love: Love baby, love
Love at first sight: Din you mean attraction?
Manga: Nope
Movie: Manyyyyyyy movies
Marriage: Someday maybe
Number: 13
Nickname: Criss
One wish: hmm... be ok
One phobia: Don't know
Place you'd like to live: Brasov
Pepsi/Coke: Both
Reason to cry: feelings, weakness
Reality TV: no
Radio Station: PRO fm
Song: Don't know. I like a lot of songs.
Shoe size: 40
Smoked: Yes
Sing well: No
Stuffed animals: Yes
Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries
Time for bed: I don't have.
Touched your tongue to your nose: Really? :))
Vegetable you hate: aaaa...Don't tink I have
Vegetable you love: Cucumber
Weakness: None
Wanted to be a model: Never
Where do we go when we die: Where we deserve
Worst weather: Heat
X-mas: I love it :x
Year it is now: 2011
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Peace and Love